With a lot of help from users, Group Forum Subscription is becoming pretty stable (and widely used!). I’ll be releasing the next version 1.3 within the next few days, and one of the new features is localization. If you’re using the plugin for a site in a language other than English, I encourage you to have a go at creating a translation and, if you’d like, providing it to me for release with future versions.
Never translated a WordPress plugin before? Neither had I, until the other day when I put my rusty French to work on this plugin. The process is quite easy. There are two ways to do it:
- If you think you’ll find yourself translating often, I encourage you to follow the instructions at http://urbangiraffe.com/articles/translating-wordpress-themes-and-plugins/. The program PoEdit that the author recommends is (once you get it installed) very, very easy to use, and it remembers your translations of commons words and phrases for future use. If you take this route, please send both the .po and the .mo files to me or to [email protected], and don’t forget to include your name in the email, blog comment, or .po metadata, so that you receive credit for your work. Make sure you use the trunk version of the plugin, available at http://svn.wp-plugins.org/group-forum-subscription-for-buddypress/trunk/, as the stable version does not contain the localization code.
- If you’d rather not install a program, you can download my French translation group-forum-subscription-fr_FR and edit it in a plain-text editor (like Notepad or TextEdit – not Word!). The lines beginning “msgid” are the original English. The lines beginning “msgstr” are the translations. Replace the French translations with translations in your language and post/send the file to me.
Thanks for your help!