Commons 1.12.11

I’ve just released version 1.12.11 of the CUNY Academic Commons.

This maintenance release addresses the following:

  • Fixes a problem with certain profile fields being hidden in some cases
  • Fixes an issue with attachment links not showing up in group forum emails
  • Re-implemented Akismet’s anti-spam feature for those using the Contact Form 7 plugin
  • Omits revision edit logs when quoting a group forum post

For complete details, visit the 1.12.11 milestone.

Commons 1.11

I’ve just released version 1.11 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This is our Spring 2017 feature release.

Commons 1.11 introduces a couple of major improvements. A few notable items:

  • We’ve relaunched our Help site with a new look and newly organized resources.
  • Improved subject lines in email notifications, making it easier to get the most important information up front.
  • The group Announcements tab has been deprecated. Group administrators may now send email notifications to members by checking a box when creating a new topic. Existing announcements have been migrated to forum topics.
  • New, simplified addresses for starting group forum topics via email.
  • A new “Quote” button on group forums, so that responses to specific bits of a forum thread are formatted elegantly, with links back to the original content.

For complete details on the release, visit the 1.11 milestone.

Commons 1.10

I’ve just released version 1.10 of the CUNY Academic Commons. Version 1.10 is a major feature release for the Commons. Watch our news blog in the upcoming days for more details on the highlights of the release. In the meantime, here’s a very brief summary of some interesting projects that the development team has worked on for 1.10:

  • Improved email notifications – Email notifications have been migrated over to the new BuddyPress 2.5+ system, which features better support for third-party plugins, better appearance on mobile devices, and more.
  • Rich text in forum posts – We’ve introduced a rich-text editor when creating a new forum topic or reply. Rich-text forum content should integrate nicely with email notifications and Reply By Email.
  • Group calendar shortcode – Display a calendar of a specific group’s events in the content area of a WordPress site with our new shortcode. Documentation is in process.
  • Registration nudges – When a user registers for the Commons but doesn’t click the link in the confirmation email, we now send an automated follow-up 24 hours later.
  • Improved upload privacy for non-public sites – Sites whose privacy settings limit readership to Commons members now have their file uploads protected in the same way.
  • Events UX improvements – We’ve added a Room Number field, and an improved datepicker.
  • Social Paper group interface improvements – Group paper directories now have some improvements to layout and messaging, for better consistency with the top-level directory.

For more details on these and other improvements, visit the 1.10 milestone.

Commons 1.9.5

I’ve just released version 1.9.5 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This maintenance release is a major plugin/theme update release, including an update to WordPress 4.4.1 and BuddyPress 2.4.3. The release also includes a number of small bugfixes:

  • Fixed the positioning of Social Paper notification messages to avoid garbled text
  • Fixed the layout of multiple-group notices for forum posts to avoid overlap with forum text
  • Replaced some missing and incorrect elements on the sidebar of the News page

For complete details, visit the 1.9.5 milestone.

Commons 1.8

I’ve just released version 1.8 of the CUNY Academic Commons. Version 1.8 is a major feature release for the Commons. Features of note:

  • An events calendar for Commons groups and users. The calendar allows users to create events and link these events to one or more groups. Users can then view events on individual or group calendars. Group-linked events are also hooked into our group email notification system. On the technical side, this feature is powered by a plugin called BP Event Organiser, written by Commons team members Raymond Hoh, Christian Wach, and Boone Gorges. BP Event Organiser is, in turn, an add-on for the popular Event Organiser, by Stephen Harris. Event Organiser is freely available in the repo. BP Event Organiser is available via Github, though please note that it’s still in beta form; a cleaned-up version for general use is planned fo the future.
  • When creating a new forum topic in a bbPress-powered group forum, users can optionally cross-post the new topic to other groups that they’re a member of. This custom functionality was developed by Daniel Jones of the Commons development team.
  • Users can now search through the contents of a single bbPress-powered group forum. This is powered by a custom plugin, bbp-single-forum-search, written by Ray Hoh of the Commons dev team.

The Commons 1.8 news post has a more complete round-up of new user-facing features in this release.

Commons 1.8 is also a major plugin/theme update release, including an upgrade to the WordPress 4.2.x series.

For complete details on the release, visit the 1.8 milestone.

Commons 1.7.14

I’ve just released version 1.7.14 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This maintenance release includes:

For complete details on the release, visit the 1.7.14 milestone.

Commons 1.7.4

I’ve just released version 1.7.4 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This maintenance release includes a security update to WordPress, as well as a number of bug fixes:

  • New plugins: Google Maps Embed, Collapse-O-Matic, Projects by Woothemes
  • Fixed bug with CAPTCHAs in Contact Form 7
  • Fixed bug preventing multiple attachments to forum posts

For complete details, visit the 1.7.4 milestone.