Commons 1.10

I’ve just released version 1.10 of the CUNY Academic Commons. Version 1.10 is a major feature release for the Commons. Watch our news blog in the upcoming days for more details on the highlights of the release. In the meantime, here’s a very brief summary of some interesting projects that the development team has worked on for 1.10:

  • Improved email notifications – Email notifications have been migrated over to the new BuddyPress 2.5+ system, which features better support for third-party plugins, better appearance on mobile devices, and more.
  • Rich text in forum posts – We’ve introduced a rich-text editor when creating a new forum topic or reply. Rich-text forum content should integrate nicely with email notifications and Reply By Email.
  • Group calendar shortcode – Display a calendar of a specific group’s events in the content area of a WordPress site with our new shortcode. Documentation is in process.
  • Registration nudges – When a user registers for the Commons but doesn’t click the link in the confirmation email, we now send an automated follow-up 24 hours later.
  • Improved upload privacy for non-public sites – Sites whose privacy settings limit readership to Commons members now have their file uploads protected in the same way.
  • Events UX improvements – We’ve added a Room Number field, and an improved datepicker.
  • Social Paper group interface improvements – Group paper directories now have some improvements to layout and messaging, for better consistency with the top-level directory.

For more details on these and other improvements, visit the 1.10 milestone.