Commons 1.16.0

I’ve just released version 1.16.0 of the CUNY Academic Commons. Version 1.16.0 is our “major release” for Fall 2019, one of two yearly releases that focus on the introduction of new features.

Major features for 1.16.0 include:

  • An overhaul of the Courses tab. This includes a Featured Course slider at the top of the page, a set of tools for fine-grained filtering and searching of the Courses directory, and display improvements for the items in the directory.
  • Group calendar subscription and import tools. It’s now possible to perform a one-time event import to a group calendar, by uploading an .ical file. You can also configure a group calendar to subscribe to an external calendar feed, so that new items on that external feed are automatically detected and added to the group calendar.
  • A tool that enables users to request membership to a non-public site. Previously, these sites could only be joined via invitation, an obstacle for student onboarding.
  • Interface improvements to the Reckoning plugin, including the display of post categories when viewing user summaries.
  • Improvements to the group file folder interface, including a tool to delete folders.
  • Design improvements to Sites and Groups directories.

For complete details, visit the 1.16.0 milestone.

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