Major plugin and theme updates for November 22, 2022

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.11 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for November 22, 2022:

  • Blubrry PowerPress (9.7)
  • Broadcast (48.15)
  • BuddyPress (10.6)
  • Business Directory Plugin (6.3)
  • Draw Attention (2.0)
  • Easy search and use CC-licensed images for WP (3.2)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (8.10)
  • Gravity PDF (6.5)
  • Gutenberg (14.4)
  • Jetpack (11.5)
  • Seriously Simple Podcasting (2.17)
  • Share This Image (1.73)
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (1.43)
  • Smash Balloon Instagram Feed (6.1)
  • Smush (3.12)
  • Super RSS Reader (4.8)
  • The Events Calendar Category Colors (7.1)
  • WP Accessibility (2.0)
  • Yoast SEO (19.9)
  • wpDiscuz (7.5)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.11 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for November 22, 2022:

  • Sydney (2.14)
  • Twenty Eleven (4.2)
  • Twenty Fifteen (3.3)
  • Twenty Fourteen (3.5)
  • Twenty Nineteen (2.4)
  • Twenty Seventeen (3.1)
  • Twenty Sixteen (2.8)
  • Twenty Ten (3.7)
  • Twenty Thirteen (3.7)
  • Twenty Twelve (3.8)
  • Twenty Twenty (2.1)
  • Twenty Twenty-One (1.7)
  • Twenty Twenty-Two (1.3)

As part of the 2.0.11 release, we will also update WordPress to the latest release series, 6.1.x.

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.

Major plugin and theme updates for October 25, 2022

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.10 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for October 25, 2022:

  • Advanced Custom Fields (6.0)
  • Blubrry PowerPress (9.5)
  • Custom Post Type UI (1.13)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (8.9)
  • Gutenberg (14.2)
  • Jetpack (11.4)
  • Link Library (7.4)
  • Media Library Assistant (3.4)
  • NextGEN Gallery (3.30)
  • Query Monitor (3.10)
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (1.42)
  • Theme Check (20220929.0)
  • WP-Polls (2.77)
  • WordPress Importer (0.8)
  • Yoast SEO (19.7)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.10 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for October 25, 2022:

  • Sydney (2.13)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.

Major plugin and theme updates for September 27, 2022

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.7 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for September 27, 2022:

  • Auto-Close Comments (0.0)
  • Blubrry PowerPress (9.3)
  • BuddyPress (10.4)
  • Cincopa video and media plug-in (1.156)
  • Display Eventbrite Events (5.0)
  • EmbedPress (3.5)
  • Enable Media Replace (4.0)
  • Event Tickets (5.5)
  • Events Manager (6.1)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (8.8)
  • Gutenberg (14.0)
  • Jetpack (11.3)
  • List category posts (0.87)
  • NS Cloner – Site Copier (4.2)
  • Newsletters (4.8)
  • Seriously Simple Podcasting (2.16)
  • Share This Image (1.72)
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (1.40)
  • Smush (3.11)
  • Super RSS Reader (4.7)
  • The Events Calendar (6.0)
  • Tumblr Importer (0.9)
  • WP-PostRatings (1.90)
  • Yoast SEO (19.6)
  • wpDiscuz (7.4)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.7 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for September 27, 2022:

  • Sydney (2.10)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.

Major plugin and theme updates for June 29, 2022

Programming note: Normally our “major plugin and theme update releases” come on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Due to team vacation time during June 2022, the 2.0.2 release is delayed by one day, to June 29, 2022.

The 2.0.2 release will include an update to the WordPress 6.0.x series.

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.2 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for June 29, 2022:

  • Better Search (3.1)
  • Blubrry PowerPress (9.1)
  • Broadcast (48.11)
  • BuddyPress (10.3)
  • Business Directory Plugin (6.2)
  • Custom Post Type UI (1.12)
  • Custom Post Type Widgets (1.5)
  • Event Tickets (5.4)
  • Gravity PDF (6.3)
  • Gutenberg (13.3)
  • Imsanity (2.8)
  • Share This Image (1.69)
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (1.35)
  • The Events Calendar (5.16)
  • Ultimate Category Excluder (1.6)
  • WP Accessibility (1.8)
  • WP-EMail (2.69)
  • WP-Polls (2.76)
  • Yoast SEO (19.0)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.2 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for June 29, 2022:

  • OceanWP (3.3)
  • Sydney (2.6)
  • Twenty Eleven (4.1)
  • Twenty Fifteen (3.2)
  • Twenty Fourteen (3.4)
  • Twenty Nineteen (2.3)
  • Twenty Seventeen (3.0)
  • Twenty Sixteen (2.7)
  • Twenty Thirteen (3.6)
  • Twenty Twelve (3.7)
  • Twenty Twenty (2.0)
  • Twenty Twenty-One (1.6)
  • Twenty Twenty-Two (1.2)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.

Major plugin and theme updates for April 26, 2022

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 1.19.8 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for April 26, 2022:

  • Blubrry PowerPress (9.0)
  • BuddyPress (10.2)
  • Business Directory Plugin (6.0)
  • Custom Post Type UI (1.11)
  • Display Eventbrite Events (4.5)
  • Event Organiser (3.12)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (8.5)
  • Gravity PDF (6.2)
  • Gravity Forms (2.6) (Gravity)
  • Gutenberg (12.9)
  • Jetpack (10.8)
  • Kadence Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Page Builder Features (2.3)
  • NextGEN Gallery (3.24)
  • Seriously Simple Podcasting (2.12)
  • Share This Image (1.67)
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (1.32)
  • TaxoPress (3.6)
  • Text Hover (4.2)
  • Webinar and Video Conference with Jitsi Meet (1.2)
  • Yoast SEO (18.5)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 1.19.8 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for April 26, 2022:

  • OceanWP (3.2)
  • Sydney (2.2)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.

Major plugin and theme updates for August 24, 2021

The 1.18.16 release of the CUNY Academic Commons will include an update to a new major version of WordPress, the 5.8 series.

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 1.18.16 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for August 24, 2021:

  • Accordion Slider Lite (1.5)
  • Blubrry PowerPress (8.7)
  • Broadcast (47.9)
  • BuddyPress (9.0)
  • Business Directory Plugin (5.13)
  • Custom Sidebars (3.32)
  • Documents from Git (2.1)
  • Download Manager (3.2)
  • Elementor (3.3)
  • Email Before Download (6.6)
  • Embed Any Document (2.7)
  • Events Manager (5.10)
  • FeedWordPress (2021.713)
  • Folders (2.7)
  • GTranslate (2.9)
  • Github Embed (2.1)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (7.18)
  • Gutenberg (11.2)
  • Kadence Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Page Builder Features (2.1)
  • Link Library (7.2)
  • Media Library Assistant (2.96)
  • MetaSlider (3.21)
  • MetaSlider Lightbox (1.13)
  • NextGEN Gallery (3.13)
  • Quiz And Survey Master (7.3)
  • Share This Image (1.59)
  • Super RSS Reader (4.3)
  • Table of Contents Plus (2106.0)
  • TablePress (1.14)
  • TaxoPress (3.1)
  • Text Hover (4.1)
  • The Events Calendar (5.8)
  • The Events Calendar Category Colors (6.6)
  • Theme Check (20210617.0)
  • WP Grade Comments (1.4)
  • Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) (5.27)
  • Yoast SEO (16.8)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 1.18.16 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for August 24, 2021:

  • Hello Elementor (2.4)
  • OceanWP (3.0)
  • Sydney (1.78)
  • Twenty Eleven (3.9)
  • Twenty Fifteen (3.0)
  • Twenty Fourteen (3.2)
  • Twenty Nineteen (2.1)
  • Twenty Seventeen (2.8)
  • Twenty Sixteen (2.5)
  • Twenty Ten (3.5)
  • Twenty Thirteen (3.4)
  • Twenty Twelve (3.5)
  • Twenty Twenty (1.8)
  • Twenty Twenty-One (1.4)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.


Major plugin and theme updates for May 25, 2021

The 1.18.8 release of the CUNY Academic Commons will include a major update to WordPress, from the 5.6.x to the 5.7.x release series.

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 1.18.8 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for May 25, 2021:

  • Better Font Awesome (2.0)
  • Blubrry PowerPress (8.6)
  • Broadcast (47.6)
  • BuddyPress (7.3)
  • Business Directory Plugin (5.12)
  • Custom Post Type UI (1.9)
  • Elementor (3.2)
  • Email Before Download (6.3)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (7.17)
  • Gravity PDF (5.4)
  • Gutenberg (10.5)
  • Jetpack by (9.7)
  • Kadence Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Page Builder Features (2.0)
  • Link Library (7.0)
  • List category posts (0.84)
  • Media Library Assistant (2.95)
  • MetaSlider Lightbox (1.12)
  • NextGEN Gallery (3.9)
  • Popup Maker (1.16)
  • Redirection (5.1)
  • Smash Balloon Instagram Feed (2.9)
  • Subscribe2 (10.35)
  • Super RSS Reader (4.2)
  • SyntaxHighlighter Evolved (3.6)
  • TablePress (1.13)
  • Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) (5.19)
  • Yoast SEO (16.2)
  • wpDiscuz (7.2)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 1.18.8 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for May 25, 2021:

  • Flat Bootstrap (1.10)
  • Make (1.10)
  • Sydney (1.76)
  • Twenty Eleven (3.7)
  • Twenty Fifteen (2.9)
  • Twenty Fourteen (3.1)
  • Twenty Nineteen (2.0)
  • Twenty Seventeen (2.7)
  • Twenty Sixteen (2.4)
  • Twenty Ten (3.3)
  • Twenty Thirteen (3.3)
  • Twenty Twenty (1.7)
  • Twenty Twenty-One (1.3)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.