Major plugin and theme updates for June 29, 2022

Programming note: Normally our “major plugin and theme update releases” come on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Due to team vacation time during June 2022, the 2.0.2 release is delayed by one day, to June 29, 2022.

The 2.0.2 release will include an update to the WordPress 6.0.x series.

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.2 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for June 29, 2022:

  • Better Search (3.1)
  • Blubrry PowerPress (9.1)
  • Broadcast (48.11)
  • BuddyPress (10.3)
  • Business Directory Plugin (6.2)
  • Custom Post Type UI (1.12)
  • Custom Post Type Widgets (1.5)
  • Event Tickets (5.4)
  • Gravity PDF (6.3)
  • Gutenberg (13.3)
  • Imsanity (2.8)
  • Share This Image (1.69)
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (1.35)
  • The Events Calendar (5.16)
  • Ultimate Category Excluder (1.6)
  • WP Accessibility (1.8)
  • WP-EMail (2.69)
  • WP-Polls (2.76)
  • Yoast SEO (19.0)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.2 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for June 29, 2022:

  • OceanWP (3.3)
  • Sydney (2.6)
  • Twenty Eleven (4.1)
  • Twenty Fifteen (3.2)
  • Twenty Fourteen (3.4)
  • Twenty Nineteen (2.3)
  • Twenty Seventeen (3.0)
  • Twenty Sixteen (2.7)
  • Twenty Thirteen (3.6)
  • Twenty Twelve (3.7)
  • Twenty Twenty (2.0)
  • Twenty Twenty-One (1.6)
  • Twenty Twenty-Two (1.2)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.