Major plugin and theme updates for November 22, 2022

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.11 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for November 22, 2022:

  • Blubrry PowerPress (9.7)
  • Broadcast (48.15)
  • BuddyPress (10.6)
  • Business Directory Plugin (6.3)
  • Draw Attention (2.0)
  • Easy search and use CC-licensed images for WP (3.2)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (8.10)
  • Gravity PDF (6.5)
  • Gutenberg (14.4)
  • Jetpack (11.5)
  • Seriously Simple Podcasting (2.17)
  • Share This Image (1.73)
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (1.43)
  • Smash Balloon Instagram Feed (6.1)
  • Smush (3.12)
  • Super RSS Reader (4.8)
  • The Events Calendar Category Colors (7.1)
  • WP Accessibility (2.0)
  • Yoast SEO (19.9)
  • wpDiscuz (7.5)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 2.0.11 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for November 22, 2022:

  • Sydney (2.14)
  • Twenty Eleven (4.2)
  • Twenty Fifteen (3.3)
  • Twenty Fourteen (3.5)
  • Twenty Nineteen (2.4)
  • Twenty Seventeen (3.1)
  • Twenty Sixteen (2.8)
  • Twenty Ten (3.7)
  • Twenty Thirteen (3.7)
  • Twenty Twelve (3.8)
  • Twenty Twenty (2.1)
  • Twenty Twenty-One (1.7)
  • Twenty Twenty-Two (1.3)

As part of the 2.0.11 release, we will also update WordPress to the latest release series, 6.1.x.

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.

Major plugin and theme updates for February 26, 2019

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 1.14.7 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for February 26, 2019:

  • Anthologize (0.8)
  • BP MPO Activity Filter (1.3)
  • Business Directory Plugin (5.5)
  • Classic Editor (1.4)
  • Draw Attention (1.8)
  • Edit Flow (0.9)
  • Elementor (2.4)
  • Fourteen Colors (1.6)
  • Front Page Category (3.0)
  • Gravity Forms (2.4)
  • Gutenberg (4.9)
  • Invite Anyone (1.4)
  • Jetpack by (7.0)
  • Media Library Assistant (2.78)
  • MetaSlider (3.11)
  • Ninja Forms (3.4)
  • Open Graph for Facebook (0.0)
  • Quiz And Survey Master (6.2)
  • Redirection (3.7)
  • Subscribe2 (10.26)
  • User Role Editor (4.49)
  • WP Document Revisions (3.2)
  • WP-Polls (2.75)
  • Yoast SEO (9.5)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 1.14.7 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for February 26, 2019:

  • 13Floor (4.4) (Elegant)
  • ArtSee (5.0) (Elegant)
  • AskIt (4.1) (Elegant)
  • Author (1.37)
  • Basic (6.5) (Elegant)
  • BusinessCard (4.4) (Elegant)
  • Cion (6.4) (Elegant)
  • DailyNotes (5.8) (Elegant)
  • eNews (4.9) (Elegant)
  • Hemingway (1.74)
  • Lucid (2.6) (Elegant)
  • Radiate (1.3)
  • Rowling (1.17)
  • Twenty Eleven (3.1)
  • Twenty Fifteen (2.3)
  • Twenty Fourteen (2.5)
  • Twenty Nineteen (1.2)
  • Twenty Seventeen (2.0)
  • Twenty Sixteen (1.8)
  • Twenty Thirteen (2.7)
  • Twenty Twelve (2.8)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.
