Deprecating the Braille plugin on the Commons

For a number of years, the Commons has offered the Braille WordPress plugin to its users. This plugin allows content in site posts, as well as content exported via Anthologize, to be transliterated into a visual representation of Braille text.

Beginning October 8, 2019, the plugin will no longer be available on the CUNY Academic Commons. The plugin works only when connected to a running installation of LibLouis, and the Commons is no longer able to maintain its LibLouis instance.

In the upcoming days, the Commons team will reach out to owners of sites running the Braille plugin, to offer any necessary assistance.

Commons users who need visual Braille transcription and are able to provide their own LibLouis service may reach out to the Commons team for integration support. (See for information on provisioning an AWS instance running LibLouis.)

For questions, please contact the Commons via the Help link at the upper-right of each Commons page.

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