Major Commons plugin updates scheduled for 2013-12-21

The following plugins will receive major updates during the maintenance release on December 21, 2013. The numbers in parentheses represent the major version series for each plugin; on the 21st, the plugin will be updated to the latest available version in that series, but no later.

  1. JetPack (2.6.1)
  2. Leaflet Maps Marker (3.8)
  3. List category posts (0.39)
  4. Network Plugin Auditor (1.6)
  5. News announcement scroll (8)
  6. Prezi WP (1.1)
  7. The Events Calendar (3.2)
  8. WordPress Google Form (0.62)
  9. WP-PostRatings (1.77)

Question or concerns about these releases? Leave a comment below, or contact our team at [email protected].

(This post is in the series of “major update release warning posts”, announced in and described in detail at

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