Major plugin and theme updates for June 26, 2018

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 1.13.4 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for June 26, 2018:

  • Broadcast (43.5)
  • BuddyPress (3.1)
  • BuddyPress Docs (2.1)
  • Event Organiser (3.7)
  • Google Forms (0.94)
  • MultiSite Clone Duplicator (1.5)
  • NextGEN Gallery (3.0)
  • Ninja Forms (3.3)
  • Page Links To (2.10)
  • Password Protected (2.2)
  • Quiz And Survey Master (5.3)
  • User Role Editor (4.43)
  • WP Email Users (1.5)
  • Yoast SEO (7.6)
  • YouTube (11.9)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 1.13.4 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for June 26, 2018:

  • BusinessBuilder (3.8)
  • Hemingway (1.65)
  • Rowling (1.12)
  • Twenty Eleven (2.8)
  • Twenty Fifteen (2.0)
  • Twenty Fourteen (2.2)
  • Twenty Seventeen (1.6)
  • Twenty Sixteen (1.5)
  • Twenty Ten (2.5)
  • Twenty Thirteen (2.4)
  • Twenty Twelve (2.5)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.


Major plugin and theme updates for February 21, 2017

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 1.10.11 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for February 21, 2017:

  • BuddyPress Group Email Subscription (3.7)
  • Category Posts Widget (4.7)
  • Custom Post Type UI (1.5)
  • Geo Mashup (1.10)
  • Google Forms (0.91)
  • Gravity Forms (2.1)
  • Hypothesis (0.5)
  • Jetpack by (4.5)
  • Media Library Assistant (2.41)
  • Meta Slider (3.4)
  • MultiSite Clone Duplicator (1.4)
  • PressForward (4.2)
  • Redirection (2.5)
  • Tag Sticky Post (2.4)
  • The Events Calendar (4.4)
  • ThreeWP Broadcast (35.8)
  • User Role Editor (4.31)
  • WP Gallery Custom Links (1.12)
  • WP Inventory (1.4)
  • WP-PostRatings (1.84)
  • WP-Print (2.58)
  • Widget Shortcode (0.3)
  • Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (4.4)
  • Yoast SEO (4.2)
  • oEmbed Gist (4.7)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 1.10.11 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for February 21, 2017:

  • Customizr (3.5)
  • Make (1.8)
  • Onetone (2.0)
  • Sydney (1.35)
  • Twenty Fifteen (1.7)
  • Twenty Fourteen (1.9)
  • Twenty Thirteen (2.1)
  • Twenty Twelve (2.2)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.
