I’ve just released version 1.9.2 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This maintenance release includes a number of bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where hovering over buttons in the Docs editor would cause the layout to break
- Improved performance of Social Paper “Readers” interface for users with large numbers of groups/friends
- Fixed a bug that caused the description in the “Featured Paper” section of Social Paper not to be refreshed properly
- Fixed a bug that caused post content to be improperly truncated in email notifications when containing more than one anchor tag
Because of scheduling problems related to the holiday season, there were no major plugin/theme updates today. The next major plugin/theme update release will be 1.9.5, on January 21.
Version 1.9.3 of the Commons will be released on January 2, 2016, rather than the normal January 1. Happy New Year
For complete details on the release, visit the 1.9.3 milestone.