Major plugin and theme updates for October 22, 2024

The 2.4.8 release, scheduled for Oct 22, 2024, will include an update of WordPress to the 6.6.x series.

The following plugins will receive major updates as part of the 2.4.8 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for October 22, 2024:

  • Broken Link Checker (2.4)
  • Easy Appointments (3.12)
  • EmbedPress (4.1)
  • Events Manager (6.6)
  • Export WP Page to Static HTML/CSS (3.0)
  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (9.1)
  • Gutenberg (19.3)
  • Jetpack (13.9)
  • Jetpack Boost (3.5)
  • Kadence Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Page Builder Features (3.3)
  • Media Library Assistant (3.20)
  • MetaSlider (3.91)
  • Native ChatBot for WordPress WPBot for Live Support and Lead Generation (5.8)
  • OSM (6.1)
  • Popup Maker (1.20)
  • Seriously Simple Podcasting (3.5)
  • Share This Image (2.4)
  • The Events Calendar (6.7)
  • WebAuthn Provider for Two Factor (2.5)
  • Yoast SEO (23.5)

The following theme will receive major updates as part of the 2.4.8 release of the CUNY Academic Commons, scheduled for October 22, 2024:

  • Ashe (2.242)
  • Inspiro (1.9)
  • Sydney (2.44)

For more details on major update releases, please visit our release schedule and procedures page.

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