New WordPress plugin: Unconfirmed

If you’ve ever been responsible for supporting an installation of WordPress Multisite with open registration, you know that the activation process can be a significant source of headaches. Sometimes activation emails get caught by spam filters. Sometimes they are overlooked and deleted by unwitting users. And, to complicate matters, WP’s safeguards prevent folks from re-registering with the same username or email address. This can result in a lot of support requests that are not particularly easy to handle. Aside from reaching manually into the database for an activation key, there’s not much the admin can do to help the would-be member of the site.

The Unconfirmed Dashboard panel
The Unconfirmed Dashboard panel

My new WordPress plugin Unconfirmed eases this problem a bit, by providing WPMS admins with a new set of tools for managing unactivated registrations. (By naming it “Unconfirmed”, I fully expect that the plugin will join some great movies and books in the pantheon of Important Cultural Objects.) Unconfirmed adds a new panel to your Network Admin Dashboard (under the Users menu). When you visit the Unconfirmed panel, it gives you a list of all pending registrations on your system. The list is easily sortable by registration date, username, email address, and activation key. For each unactivated registration, there are two actions that the admin can perform. “Resend Activation Email” does exactly what it says: it sends an exact duplicate of the original activation email, as created by the WordPress core activation notification functions. “Activate” allows admins to activate a pending registration manually, which will trigger the activation success email to the user.

At the moment, Unconfirmed is compatible with WordPress Multisite (aka Network mode) only. In the future, I may expand the plugin to work with non-MS installations of WP. Unconfirmed works with BuddyPress, too. The plugin was developed for use on the CUNY Academic Commons.

Download Unconfirmed from the repo or follow its development on Github.

Commons 1.2.1

I’ve just released Version 1.2.1 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This is a bugfix release for the Commons, comprising a number of fixes and small improvements. Of note:

  • LaTeX support for MediaWiki (just embed your TeX in <math>TeX</math>
  • Improved support for group invitation autocomplete in newer versions of IE
  • Fixed bugs in WP Flickr Photo Album plugin
  • New WP theme: Erudite
  • New WP plugin: Twitter Blackbird Pie

For full details on the release, see the 1.2.1 milestone.

Commons 1.2

I’ve just finished tagging and releasing version 1.2 of the CUNY Academic Commons. Version 1.2 is a major feature release for the site. Notable new features and improvements:

  • The addition of BuddyPress Docs, a collaborative writing and editing plugin for BuddyPress, developed specifically for the CUNY Academic Commons. BuddyPress Docs gives groups a sort of private wiki space, where they can share their writing and get work done.
  • A number of parts of the BP Groupblog interface have been improved. Group blog privacy settings have been more closely integrated; blog author/group member sync has been made more reliable; information about groupblog connections is now displayed on the blog Dashboard; blogs and groups can now be properly unlinked in order to participate in further groupblog connections.
  • The display of pending group invitations (the Send Invites tab in each group) has been made less confusing.
  • The interface through which group administrators can change the group’s slug/URL has been better integrated into the group admin screens.
  • A new Reply button on each forum makes it possible to reply to a forum post without clicking through numerous pages of replies.
  • New WordPress themes: Clean Home, Antisnews

This release cycle has been our most extensive to date, with 69 bug and enhancement tickets opened and closed against the milestone. As usual, you can read the full details of the release at the 1.2 milestone.

Sincere thanks to the Commons Dev Team and the Commons Community Team for their hard work leading up to this major release.

Redirect BuddyPress activity reply links to forum’s “Leave a Reply”

Activity stream replies in BuddyPress are pretty cool, but they have the potential to be confusing. On the CUNY Academic Commons, we have disabled activity replies for activity entries related to blogs and forums, because allowing replies in these cases has the potential to confuse users and fracture conversation.

There are a number of ways that this could (and should, and will!) be improved in future versions of BuddyPress. But, for now, here’s a trick. The following code will change the behavior of the Reply buttons for forum-related activity entries (new forum topics, and forum topic replies), so that instead of sliding down the inline activity comment box, it goes to the Reply form on the forum topic itself.

Side note: This seems like it’d be an easy thing to do, but it turns out to be somewhat complex. As I explain in the inline documentation, the issue of pagination means that there’s no predictable way to easily concatenate a URL for a topic’s reply box (this is one of the things I want to fix in BP core) – you have to fetch the number of total replies and figure out the last page from there. Also, in the case of topic replies, you have to do an additional query to get the id of the topic that the post belongs to, because that info is not stored in the activity table. The function cac_insert_comment_reply_links() below tries to consolidate these lookups to add as few queries as possible to the pageload.

Second side note: This code is not particularly beautiful. It makes direct queries to the bbPress database tables. So sue me.

OK, so the code itself. First, put this chunk into your bp-custom.php file.

 * Gets accurate reply URLs for the activity stream
 * Getting accurate Reply links for forum topics is tricky because of pagination - you need to know
 * how many total posts are in the topic so that you can figure out what the last page should be.
 * Moreover, the forum reply activity items don't have the topic_id stored with them. This function
 * attempts to minimize DB queries by looking up all topic_ids at once, then looking up all post
 * counts at once - adding 2 queries for the activity loop is better than 20.
 * Todo: Get a real redirecter into BuddyPress itself
function cac_insert_comment_reply_links( $has_comments ) {
	global $activities_template, $wpdb, $bbdb;

	do_action( 'bbpress_init' );

	$topics_data = array();
	$posts_data = array();
	foreach( $activities_template->activities as $key => $activity ) {
		if ( $activity->type == 'new_forum_topic' ) {
			$topic_id = $activity->secondary_item_id;
			$topics_data[$topic_id]['url'] = $activity->primary_link;
			$topics_data[$topic_id]['activity_key'] = $key;	

		if ( $activity->type == 'new_forum_post' ) {
			$post_id = $activity->secondary_item_id;
			$posts_data[$post_id]['url'] = array_pop( array_reverse( explode( '#', $activity->primary_link ) ) );
			$posts_data[$post_id]['activity_key'] = $key; 

	// In cases where we only have the post id, we must do an extra query to get topic ids
	if ( !empty( $posts_data ) ) {
		$post_ids 	= array_keys( $posts_data );
		$post_ids_sql 	= implode( ',', $post_ids );
		$sql 		= $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT topic_id, post_id FROM {$bbdb->posts} WHERE post_id IN ({$post_ids_sql})" );
		$post_topic_ids = $wpdb->get_results( $sql );

		// Now that we have the topic IDs, we can add that info to $topics_data for the main query
		foreach( $post_topic_ids as $post_topic ) {
			$topics_data[$post_topic->topic_id] = $posts_data[$post_topic->post_id];

	// Now for the main event
	// First, make a topic list and get all the associated posts
	$topic_ids 	= implode( ',', array_keys( $topics_data ) );
	$sql		= $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT topic_id, post_id FROM {$bbdb->posts} WHERE topic_id IN ({$topic_ids})" );
	$posts		= $wpdb->get_results( $sql );

	// Now we get counts. BTW it sucks to do it this way
	$counter	= array();
	foreach( $posts as $post ) {
		if ( empty( $counter[$post->topic_id] ) )
			$counter[$post->topic_id] = 1;

	// Finally, concatenate the reply url and put it in the activities_template
	foreach( $topics_data as $topic_id => $data ) {
		$total_pages = ceil( $counter[$topic_id] / 15 );	
		$reply_url = cac_forum_reply_url( $data['url'], $total_pages, 15 );
		$key = $data['activity_key'];
		$activities_template->activities[$key]->reply_url = $reply_url;

	return $has_comments;
add_action( 'bp_has_activities', 'cac_insert_comment_reply_links' );

 * Filters the url of the activity reply link to use reply_url, if present
function cac_filter_activity_reply_link( $link ) {
	global $activities_template;

	if ( !empty( $activities_template->activity->reply_url ) )
		return $activities_template->activity->reply_url;
		return $link;
add_action( 'bp_get_activity_comment_link', 'cac_filter_activity_reply_link' );

 * Echoes the proper CSS class for the activity reply link. This is necessary to ensure that 
 * the JS slider does not appear when we have a custom reply_url.
function cac_activity_reply_link_class() {
	global $activities_template;

	if ( !empty( $activities_template->activity->reply_url ) )
		echo 'class="acomment-reply-nojs"';
		echo 'class="acomment-reply"';

 * A replacement for bp_activity_can_comment(). Todo: deprecate into a filter when BP 1.3 comes out
function cac_activity_can_comment() {
	global $activities_template, $bp;

	if ( false === $activities_template->disable_blogforum_replies || (int)$activities_template->disable_blogforum_replies ) {
		// If we've got a manually created reply_url (see cac_insert_comment_reply_links(), return true
		if ( !empty( $activities_template->activity->reply_url ) )
			return true;

		if ( 'new_blog_post' == bp_get_activity_action_name() || 'new_blog_comment' == bp_get_activity_action_name() || 'new_forum_topic' == bp_get_activity_action_name() || 'new_forum_post' == bp_get_activity_action_name() )
			return false;
	return true;

You’ll note that there are a few places in that code where the number 15 is mentioned explicitly. I’m assuming that you’re using 15 posts-per-page for your single topic pagination. You can change this number accordingly if you want.

Next, you’ll have to make a few changes in your theme’s activity/entry.php to account for the changes. There are two relevant changes. First, you’ll be removing the activity reply button’s CSS class (hardcoded by default) and replacing it with the dynamically generated version in cac_activity_reply_link_class(). Second, you’ll be swapping out the checks for bp_activity_can_comment() with cac_activity_can_comment(), so that you can still block blog-activity comments. The code below is lines 27-29 of my activity/entry.php – you should be able to figure out which lines to replace with the following, as I haven’t changed much.

<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() &amp;&amp; cac_activity_can_comment() ) : ?>
	<a href="<?php bp_activity_comment_link() ?>" <?php cac_activity_reply_link_class() ?> id="acomment-comment-<?php bp_activity_id() ?>"><?php _e( 'Reply', 'buddypress' ) ?> (<span><?php bp_activity_comment_count() ?></span>)</a>
<?php endif; ?>

Finally, because you’ve changed the CSS selector on some of the reply buttons, you’ll want to add some styles to your stylesheet. These are borrowed right from bp-default.

.activity-list div.activity-meta a.acomment-reply-nojs {
	background: #fff9db;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #ffe8c4;
	border-right: 1px solid #ffe8c4;
	color: #ffa200;

div.activity-meta a.acomment-reply-nojs:hover {
	background: #f7740a;
	color: #fff;
    border-color: #f7740a;

Good luck!

Commons 1.1.11

I’ve just released version 1.1.11 of the CUNY Academic Commons. I’m hopeful that this will be the last release in the 1.1.x series – we’ve got some great new features coming in 1.2, and I want to get it out to the community as soon as I can.

Some of the fixes included in 1.1.11:

  • Better handling of certain Office files as forum attachments
  • Bug fixed that may have prevented some email invitations from being sent
  • Some cleanup in the email notifications for forum posts that have attachments

You can read more about what went into the release at 1.1.11 milestone.

The CUNY Academic Commons is hiring a developer

The CUNY Academic Commons is hiring!

We are looking for a part-time developer to join our growing development team (part-time = starting around 5hrs/wk, with the potential for growth). Developing for the Commons means fixing bugs, responding to feature requests, and building things from scratch. To get a sense of the sort of work we do, have a look at our public bug tracker and our page on the plugin repository.

Here’s a little bit about the kind of developer we are looking for.

You must have:

  • Extensive experience developing for WordPress (where ‘developing’ means coding from scratch)
  • Good communication and collaboration skills (the job involves working with end-users as well as fellow developers)
  • Experience using and developing for BuddyPress
  • A solid understanding of front-end best practices, including proper markup, JavaScript libraries like jQuery, cross-browser testing of CSS

The ideal candidate will also have:

  • A proven track record of participation in open-source communities, in the form of: patches submitted; plugins or themes available for public use; activity on blogs and forums related to open source projects (ideally in the WordPress world)
  • Knowledge of Git
  • Experience administering and developing for MediaWiki
  • Some knowledge of system administration – MySOL, Apache, Red Hat Linux

We’re a close-knit development team. Special consideration will be given to applicants who are local to the New York City area.

If you’re interested, send an email to containing a statement about why you’d be a good fit for the job, as well as links to one or more of the following:

  • Websites you have built or helped to build, with an explanation of the role you played in the construction of the site
  • Publicly available code (your Github account, your plugins page in the repo, your contributions to the source of a large project)
  • Your blog or website

We’re hoping to move quickly, so please don’t delay in sending your applications. We’d like to do a first round of interviews (probably via Skype for non-locals) around the beginning of April.


The CUNY Academic Commons is a website whose mission is to provide a platform for connection and collaboration between faculty members, administration, graduate students, and staff across the 23 campuses of the City University of New York. The Commons has been a leader in the development of open-source tools for social networking and academic work, contributing significant add-ons for software like BuddyPress and WordPress.

Commons 1.1.10

I have just released version 1.1.10 of the CUNY Academic Commons. About a month has passed since 1.1.9, and in that time, a lot of small fixes and enhancements have taken place. Of note:

  • WordPress and BuddyPress have been updated to the most recent versions (3.1 and 1.2.8, respectively)
  • New WP theme: Bibliotype
  • New WP plugins: ZotPress (for integration with your Zotero library); List Pages Shortcode (for displaying page hierarchy on your blog)
  • Fixes to the way that group blog membership is synched with group membership
  • Sticky forum posts fixed so that stickies don’t get pushed down to the second page of a group forum

You can read about the release in a more in-depth way by checking out the 1.1.10 milestone.

New BuddyPress plugin: BuddyPress Docs

When I explain the CUNY Academic Commons to someone for the first time, the words ‘connect’ and ‘collaborate’ usually loom large. We provide a number of tools to make it easier for people to find each other (that’s the connecting), and then we try to make it easy for those people to work together on projects that matter to them (that’s the collaborating). Today I am releasing the first public beta of a new BuddyPress plugin that will, I hope, be an important tool in the Commons (and BuddyPress) collaboration toolbox: BuddyPress Docs.

BuddyPress Docs adds a new tab to groups where members can collectively create and edit documents, using an easy-to-use rich text editor. Docs support tagging, hierarchy, oEmbed multimedia, and much more. I’ve written about the feature list in detail on the BuddyPress Docs homepage.

Today the project is being released in a near-stable public beta. That means a few things. First, for the moment you run the plugin on a production site at your own risk, as there are bound to be bugs and rough spots (which I hope you will report back to me!). Second, it means that it’s not up and running on the Commons quite yet. BuddyPress Docs is slated to be turned on here with the release of Commons 1.2, which should be sometime in the next few weeks. The intervening weeks should give folks in the general BuddyPress community some time to put Docs through its paces before it gets put to work here.

The official documentation states that BuddyPress Docs requires WordPress 3.1 and BuddyPress 1.3. The latter requirement is a bit of an overstatement; Docs has been tested with BuddyPress 1.2.8 and it works well. However, the former requirement is strict: though the plugin might appear to work with versions of WP prior to 3.1, certain key features will not work (in particular, taxonomies will not work correctly, so that all Docs will appear on every group, no matter which group created them). Perhaps for the 1.0 stable release I’ll forcibly prevent the plugin from being loaded on those earlier versions of WP.

You can follow the plugin’s development at

Hardening BuddyPress Group Documents

The BuddyPress Group Documents plugin allows groups a handy way for users to share documents with fellow members of a BP group. It’s crucial to the work that is done on the CUNY Academic Commons. But, by default, the plugin stores documents in a subdirectory of your WP uploads folder (usually /wp-content/blogs.dir/ on multisite). That means that documents are available directly, to anyone who has the URL, regardless of the public/private/hidden status of groups. This isn’t a problem from within BuddyPress, since URLs for the documents only appear inside of the protected group interface. But if the URL is shared, then the document becomes publicly available. Worse, if someone posts the URL of a document in a public place, search engine bots will find it, and the contents of the document could end up in Google.

I wrote a few helper functions to change this behavior. The strategy is this: Move the files so that they are not accessible via URL, ie in a directory above the web root. (In my case, it’s a directory called bp-group-documents, just above my web root.) Then, catch requests of a certain type (I’ve chosen to go with a URL parameter get_group_doc=), and check them to see whether the current user has the adequate permission to access the document in question. Finally, make sure that all of the URLs and paths that BPGD uses to upload and display documents are filtered to the updated versions. I’ve provided my code below – use and modify at your pleasure. You should be able to place it in your plugins/bp-custom.php file, and then move your existing docs from their current location (probably something like wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/group-documents) to the new directory.

I also added a line to my .htaccess file to ensure that requests to the old URLs are redirected to the new, hardened URL. That line is this:

RewriteRule ^wp\-content/blogs\.dir/1/files/group\-documents/(.*) /?get_group_doc=$1 [R,L]

Obviously, you may have to modify it for different file paths.

EDITED Feb 8, 2011 to include the code for creating directories when none exist

define( 'BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_SECURE_PATH', substr( ABSPATH, 0, strrpos( rtrim( ABSPATH, '/' ), '/' ) ) . '/bp-group-documents/' );

function cac_filter_doc_url( $doc_url, $group_id, $file ) {
	$url = bp_get_root_domain() . '?get_group_doc=' . $group_id . '/' . $file;
	return $url;
add_filter( 'bp_group_documents_file_url', 'cac_filter_doc_url', 10, 3 );

function cac_filter_doc_path( $doc_url, $group_id, $file ) {
	$document_dir = BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_SECURE_PATH . $group_id . '/';
	if ( !is_dir( $document_dir ) )
		mkdir( $document_dir, 0775, true );

	$path = BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_SECURE_PATH . $group_id . '/' . $file;
	return $path;
add_filter( 'bp_group_documents_file_path', 'cac_filter_doc_path', 10, 3 );

function cac_catch_group_doc_request() {
	$error = false;

	if ( empty( $_GET['get_group_doc'] ) )
	$doc_id = $_GET['get_group_doc'];
	// Check to see whether the current user has access to the doc in question
	$file_deets 	= explode( '/', $doc_id );
	$group_id 	= $file_deets[0];	
	$group		= new BP_Groups_Group( $group_id );
	if ( empty( $group->id ) ) {
		$error = array(
			'message' 	=> 'That group does not exist.',
			'redirect'	=> bp_get_root_domain()
	} else {
		if ( $group->status != 'public' ) {
			// If the group is not public, then the user must be logged in and
			// a member of the group to download the document
			if ( !is_user_logged_in() || !groups_is_user_member( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group_id ) ) {
				$error = array(
					'message' 	=> sprintf( 'You must be a logged-in member of the group %s to access this document. If you are a member of the group, please log into the site and try again.', $group->name ),
					'redirect'	=> bp_get_group_permalink( $group )
		// If we have gotten this far without an error, then the download can go through
		if ( !$error ) {
			$doc_path = BP_GROUP_DOCUMENTS_SECURE_PATH . $doc_id;
			if ( file_exists( $doc_path ) ) {
				$mime_type = mime_content_type( $doc_path );
				$doc_size = filesize( $doc_path );
				header("Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
				header("Pragma: hack");
				header("Content-Type: $mime_type; name='" . $file_deets[1] . "'");
				header("Content-Length: " . $doc_size );
				header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file_deets[1] . '"');
				header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");              
				readfile( $doc_path );
			} else {
				// File does not exist
				$error = array(
					'message' 	=> 'The file could not be found.',
					'redirect'	=> bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) . '/documents'
	// If we have gotten this far, there was an error. Add a message and redirect
	bp_core_add_message( $error['message'], 'error' );
	bp_core_redirect( $error['redirect'] );
add_filter( 'wp', 'cac_catch_group_doc_request', 1 );

if(!function_exists('mime_content_type')) {

    function mime_content_type($filename) {

        $mime_types = array(

            'txt' => 'text/plain',
            'htm' => 'text/html',
            'html' => 'text/html',
            'php' => 'text/html',
            'css' => 'text/css',
            'js' => 'application/javascript',
            'json' => 'application/json',
            'xml' => 'application/xml',
            'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
            'flv' => 'video/x-flv',

            // images
            'png' => 'image/png',
            'jpe' => 'image/jpeg',
            'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
            'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
            'gif' => 'image/gif',
            'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
            'ico' => 'image/',
            'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
            'tif' => 'image/tiff',
            'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
            'svgz' => 'image/svg+xml',

            // archives
            'zip' => 'application/zip',
            'rar' => 'application/x-rar-compressed',
            'exe' => 'application/x-msdownload',
            'msi' => 'application/x-msdownload',
            'cab' => 'application/',

            // audio/video
            'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg',
            'qt' => 'video/quicktime',
            'mov' => 'video/quicktime',

            // adobe
            'pdf' => 'application/pdf',
            'psd' => 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop',
            'ai' => 'application/postscript',
            'eps' => 'application/postscript',
            'ps' => 'application/postscript',

            // ms office
            'doc' => 'application/msword',
            'rtf' => 'application/rtf',
            'xls' => 'application/',
            'ppt' => 'application/',

            // open office
            'odt' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text',
            'ods' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet',

        $ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode('.',$filename)));
        if (array_key_exists($ext, $mime_types)) {
            return $mime_types[$ext];
        elseif (function_exists('finfo_open')) {
            $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
            $mimetype = finfo_file($finfo, $filename);
            return $mimetype;
        else {
            return 'application/octet-stream';