Commons 2.3.0

I’ve just released version 2.3.0 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This is a major feature release for the site.

This release focuses on the member profile experience. The headline feature is our new “CV” tool, which replaces the old “Public Portfolio”. This new tool allows Commons members to create attractive public CVs with an easy-to-use visual editor. The CV editing experience is built on the WordPress Block Editor, and our technical work deploying the Block Editor for a front-end tool like this represents an innovative jump in the way that WP sites typically work.

As part of our focus on members, we have also overhauled the appearance and behavior of the “Inbox” view that users see when reading and composing private messages and site notifications. This change helps to integrate the Inbox with recent design refreshes on other parts of the Commons.

For complete details, visit the 2.3.0 milestone.

Commons 1.13.3

I’ve just released version 1.13.3 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This maintenance release fixes a number of issues:

  • Removed duplicate ‘Create a Group’ link from toolbar dropdown
  • Fixed bug introduced in 1.13.0 that prevented status messages from appearing when redirecting to wp-login.php from non-public sites
  • Fixed bug in the display of private message receipients

For complete details, visit the 1.13.3 milestone.

Commons 1.8.8

I’ve just released version 1.8.8 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This maintenance release is a major plugin/theme update release. It also features a number of bug fixes:

  • Fixed bulk message deletion
  • Fixed bug that could prevent group files from being downloaded in a zip format in some cases

For complete details on the release, visit the 1.8.8 milestone.