Commons 1.8.11

I’ve just released version 1.8.11 of the CUNY Academic Commons. This maintenance release is a major-theme-and-plugin release, which includes a major version upgrade to WordPress (4.3.x).

A number of notable fixes in the release:

  • Improved Quick Link flow so that users automatically receive links
  • Fixed bug that prevented users from downloading iCal file related to non-public events
  • Fixed incorrect event permalinks in activity streams

For complete details on the release, visit the 1.8.11 milestone.

2 thoughts on “Commons 1.8.11”

  1. H Boone, It’s been a while since I’ve had to report an issue, can you help me recall where to post a bug? Our CAT committee has lost its discussion forum! Thanks 😉 PM me and i’ll file it in the correct place.

  2. Hi Alyson – Easiest way to get in touch is to send a message using the Help link that you see at the right-hand side of the toolbar at the top of every page. In your message, please provide as many details as you can (including URLs) about the problem. Thanks!

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